As the snow melts, so do the gamers rouse from their winter hibernation. Break out the meeples and percentile dice. It’s time for the MEGA springtime Green Mountain Gaming Weekend at Lake Morey Resort: That’s right, the former home of Carnage!
LOCATION: Terrace Ballroom, Lake Morey Resort, Fairlee VT – hotel rooms available for overnight stays. Call the Lake Morey Resort at call 1-800-423-1211 or 802-333-4311 and reserve a room with the Green Mountain Gamers blocks.
Mega Spring Meltdown 2019 is just a few days away. Here is a few things you need to know:
Lake Morey Resort
1 Clubhouse Rd.
Fairlee, VT 05045
Saturday Schedule:
9AM – 12PM – Open gaming in the Terrace Ballroom
9AM – 12PM – Play to Win in the Terrace Ballroom
9AM – 12AM – Complimentary coffee and tea, sponsored by Carnage
11AM – 7:30PM – Concession Stand
5PM – 1AM – Cash bar in the Steamboat Lounge, sponsored by Quarterstaff Games
Sunday Schedule
8AM – 10AM Breakfast Buffet in Lakeside Dining Room, complimentary with room
9AM – 5PM – Open gaming in the Terrace Ballroom
9AM – 12AM – Complimentary coffee and tea, sponsored by Carnage
9AM – 2:30PM – Play to Win in the Terrace Ballroom
3:30PM – Play to Win; winners announced
Keep your eyes open for additional events, such as ad-hoc KeyForge tournaments and Carnage game learning sessions.
Pre-registration has closed. The door admission fees are:
Weekend: $30
Saturday: $20
Sunday: $15
Children under 13 are admitted free, but always have to be accompanied in the game space.
Game Etiquette:
When you play someone else’s game, observe the following 6 rules.
- Please return a game to the same spot where you got it.
- Please keep food and drink away from the games. Open drink containers are not allowed on the game tables.
- Parents or guardians – please do not allow your young children (13 and under) to handle the game without adult supervision.
- Handle each game with care (i.e. shuffle cards with care, don’t force box top closed/open etc…)
- If an accident happens with a game, please find a GMG board member and the owner of the game, let the owner know what happened, and work out a solution.
- When putting a game away, please scan your play area for any dropped game pieces.
Green Mountain Gamers Board Meeting:
Sunday Morning 9:00 AM – Card Room
This is our annual, open to all members, board meeting. To keep GMG going we need volunteers. For the 2019- 2020 season of GMG we need another board member to fill us up to 5. If you feel like you want to contribute, please consider coming to the meeting.